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Top 3 Methods to keep the pain at bay with Ashley Black - UK Reporter

Top 3 Methods to keep the pain at bay with Ashley Black

We researched Ashley Black’s Chronic Pain Relief Routine and Here’s What We Found 

Ashley Black, the best-selling author and inventor of the FasciaBlaster, has become known as the “curer” of cellulite. Women all over the internet are raving about their smooth legs and lifted butts. But we dug deep into the genesis of her invention and found a different story all together. 

At a very young age, Black was diagnosed with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis (JRA), an aggressive form of arthritis that causes joint inflammation and stiffness in children. She suffered from agonizing pain throughout her youth. Although doctors informed Black that she would need a wheelchair by age 25, she defied all odds and became a competitive gymnast. As a young adult, she worked as a fitness instructor at a gym and a renowned weight-management company. 

It is clear that despite her circumstances, Black refused to succumb to her debilitating condition. Denying conventional medical treatment, she developed unique coping mechanisms that helped her mitigate the pain she often experienced. She now regularly shares some basic tips with her audience. We narrowed it down, to some of her favorites. 

Here are 3 methods that helped Black with easing the flare-ups. 

  • Self-Massaging Is Key

Massages bring relief to bodily aches and are proven to release stress. Massages helped mitigate the excruciating pain she regularly experienced in her early life. Self-massaging is effective as it catalyzes the healing process and interferes with the pain signals that are being sent to the brain. This also promotes blood flow and loosens stiff muscles through the onset of friction. The regulation of Blood flow is vital, as it produces oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. This is why she invented the FasciaBlaster, to go even deeper with massages, and she appears to use it daily, often posting her routines on InstaGram. 

  • Stretch At Length

Stretching alleviates pain by reducing the tension that persists in the different body parts. It is a great form of self-therapy that is recommended by doctors worldwide.

Stretching ligaments, tendons, and muscles that are a part of the nervous system and support the spine, can greatly deplete pain of the back and neck. This method also improves flexibility and pumps you with the energy you need to keep crushing your goals. Ashley developed a free app called FasciaYoga and you can regularly see her stretching in her sauna, stretching  and being stretched by her Thai Massage therapist. 

  • Maintain A Balanced Diet

Diet management is an indispensable tool for approaching pain and its accompanying effects. Many foods that contain sugar, artificial trans fats, and vegetable oils, trigger inflammation within the body. An unbalanced diet may be a major contributor to the pain you feel.

Eating healthy food helps control levels of insulin, regular blood pressure, and reduces inflammation. This in turn also minimizes pain. Ashley promotes this lifestyle for anyone that wants to live a happy and disease-free life. Ashley eats a clean Keto diet and has talked openly about the microbiome and FODMAP. 

Taking a few tips from Black’s routine is probably a good idea. She has had many surgeries and diagnosed with nerve disorders and even has a hip replacement. This is not something you would notice by watching her videos, as she has done an amazing job at conquering what life has thrown at her. She is an inspiration to us and to her followers. 

To know more about her work, visit her website here

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