How Kazakhstan is having a hard time as more and more Russians try to avoid the draught

As thousands of Russians seek refuge in neighbouring countries to avoid Vladimir Putin’s partial mobilisation call to fight in Ukraine, the burden falls largely on Kazakhstan.

On Tuesday, Kazakhstan’s president assured Russian refugees that their country would provide for and protect them “Ignoring the hopelessness of the situation, the speaker continued, “Recently we’ve had a lot of individuals from Russia arriving here. They are all running away because they know there is no way out of this mess. We must ensure their safety and well-being.

Later, he elaborated, “This concerns both politics and humanity.

Kazakhstan, although allowing Russians to enter without a visa, may have to close its borders if it is to house the evacuees. However, Kazakhstan has not announced any official intentions as of yet.

Since September 21st, when Putin announced the military draught, 98,000 Russians have entered Kazakhstan, according to the country’s interior ministry. Reports indicate that rents around the country have increased and that lodging options like hotels and hostels are at capacity.

A possible change to Kazakstan’s immigration laws would limit the length of time Russians who are missing their passports can remain in the country to three months.

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